
ITA Showcase Registration

To register as an exhibitor, a current WITA or OTA membership is required. To check the status of membership or apply, please visit WITA for Washington or OTA for Oregon.

Employees of telecom providers can attend the show for free, but registration is still required. If you are an employee of a non-profit group in the telecommunications industry, please contact for possible free entry. Contractors and other product/service providers must register and pay a minimal fee to attend.

ITA Registration

Company Information


Business Type: Vendor Please select this value if you are employed by a company that sells goods or services to Service Providers.

Business Type: Service Provider Please select this value if you are employed by a telco, broadband, or digital service provider.

Do you wish to attend ITA Showcase without exhibiting?
Do you wish to host a seminar?

Attendee Information

Exhibitor Information

Select a Booth Option
Full Name
Full Name

Maximum file size: 516MB


Please select a sponsorship level:

Diamond – $2,500 Show Sponsorship

Diamond sponsorship includes a team entry into the TopGolf event! It also includes premier logo placement on each page of the website, top placement on all event signs and program. Announcements will be made throughout the show recognizing your firm's contribution.

Platinum – $1,500 Show Sponsorship

Platinum Sponsorship provides second tier logo placement on website, event signs, and program. Announcements will be made throughout the show recognizing your firm as a sponsor at this level.

Gold – $1,000 Show Sponsorship

Gold Sponsorship provides third tier logo placement on website, event signs, and program. Announcements will be made during the happy hour reception on Wednesday recognizing your firm as a sponsor for the event.

Silver – $500 Show Sponsorship

Silver Sponsorship provides fourth tier logo placement on website, event signs, and program. Announcements will be made both mornings of the show recognizing your firm as a coffee station sponsor.

Bronze – $250 Show Sponsorship

Bronze sponsorship provides fifth tier placement on the website, event signs, and program.

Copper – $100 Show Sponsorship

Copper sponsorship provides sixth tier placement on the website, event signs, and program.

TopGolf Hole – $100 Sponsorship

TopGolf Hole sponsorship provides advertising on the event signs for TopGolf.

TopGolf Participation

Participation Type
Full Name
Company Name
Phone Number
Full Name
Company Name
Phone Number
Full Name
Company Name
Phone Number
Full Name
Company Name
Phone Number
Full Name
Company Name
Phone Number
Full Name
Company Name
Phone Number


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